
This contract aggregates the system balances of the liquidity protection mechanism.



Function systemBalance(contract IERC20 token) → uint256

returns the system balance for a given token


  • token: token address

Return Values:

  • system balance

Function incSystemBalance(contract IERC20 token, uint256 amount)

increases the system balance for a given token

can be executed only by an owner


  • token: token address

  • amount: token amount

Function decSystemBalance(contract IERC20 token, uint256 amount)

decreases the system balance for a given token

can be executed only by an owner


  • token: token address

  • amount: token amount

Function networkTokensMinted(contract IConverterAnchor poolAnchor) → uint256

returns the amount of network tokens minted into a specific pool


  • poolAnchor: pool anchor

Return Values:

  • amount of network tokens

Function incNetworkTokensMinted(contract IConverterAnchor poolAnchor, uint256 amount)

increases the amount of network tokens minted into a specific pool

can be executed only by an owner


  • poolAnchor: pool anchor

  • amount: amount to increase the minted tokens by

Function decNetworkTokensMinted(contract IConverterAnchor poolAnchor, uint256 amount)

decreases the amount of network tokens minted into a specific pool

can be executed only by an owner


  • poolAnchor: pool anchor

  • amount: amount to decrease the minted tokens by

Event SystemBalanceUpdated(contract IERC20 token, uint256 prevAmount, uint256 newAmount)

triggered when the system balance for a given token is updated


  • token: token address

  • prevAmount: previous amount

  • newAmount: new amount

Event NetworkTokensMintedUpdated(contract IConverterAnchor poolAnchor, uint256 prevAmount, uint256 newAmount)

triggered when the amount of network tokens minted into a specific pool is updated


  • poolAnchor: pool anchor

  • prevAmount: previous amount

  • newAmount: new amount

Last updated