
This contract maintains a list of all active converters in the Bancor Network.

Since converters can be upgraded and thus their address can change, the registry actually keeps

converter anchors internally and not the converters themselves.

The active converter for each anchor can be easily accessed by querying the anchor's owner.

The registry exposes 3 different lists that can be accessed and iterated, based on the use-case of the caller:

  • Anchors - can be used to get all the latest / historical data in the network

  • Liquidity pools - can be used to get all liquidity pools for funding, liquidation etc.

  • Convertible tokens - can be used to get all tokens that can be converted in the network (excluding pool

tokens), and for each one - all anchors that hold it in their reserves

The contract fires events whenever one of the primitives is added to or removed from the registry

The contract is upgradable.



Function constructor(contract IContractRegistry _registry)

initializes a new ConverterRegistry instance


  • _registry: address of a contract registry contract

Function newConverter(uint16 _type, string _name, string _symbol, uint8 _decimals, uint32 _maxConversionFee, contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint32[] _reserveWeights) → contract IConverter

creates a zero supply liquid token / empty liquidity pool and adds its converter to the registry


  • _type: converter type, see ConverterBase contract main doc

  • _name: token / pool name

  • _symbol: token / pool symbol

  • _decimals: token / pool decimals

  • _maxConversionFee: maximum conversion-fee

  • _reserveTokens: reserve tokens

  • _reserveWeights: reserve weights

Return Values:

  • new converter

Function addConverter(contract IConverter _converter)

adds an existing converter to the registry

can only be called by the owner


  • _converter: converter

Function removeConverter(contract IConverter _converter)

removes a converter from the registry

anyone can remove an existing converter from the registry, as long as the converter is invalid

note that the owner can also remove valid converters


  • _converter: converter

Function getAnchorCount() → uint256

returns the number of converter anchors in the registry

Return Values:

  • number of anchors

Function getAnchors() → address[]

returns the list of converter anchors in the registry

Return Values:

  • list of anchors

Function getAnchor(uint256 _index) → contract IConverterAnchor

returns the converter anchor at a given index


  • _index: index

Return Values:

  • anchor at the given index

Function isAnchor(address _value) → bool

checks whether or not a given value is a converter anchor


  • _value: value

Return Values:

  • true if the given value is an anchor, false if not

Function getLiquidityPoolCount() → uint256

returns the number of liquidity pools in the registry

Return Values:

  • number of liquidity pools

Function getLiquidityPools() → address[]

returns the list of liquidity pools in the registry

Return Values:

  • list of liquidity pools

Function getLiquidityPool(uint256 _index) → contract IConverterAnchor

returns the liquidity pool at a given index


  • _index: index

Return Values:

  • liquidity pool at the given index

Function isLiquidityPool(address _value) → bool

checks whether or not a given value is a liquidity pool


  • _value: value

Return Values:

  • true if the given value is a liquidity pool, false if not

Function getConvertibleTokenCount() → uint256

returns the number of convertible tokens in the registry

Return Values:

  • number of convertible tokens

Function getConvertibleTokens() → address[]

returns the list of convertible tokens in the registry

Return Values:

  • list of convertible tokens

Function getConvertibleToken(uint256 _index) → contract IReserveToken

returns the convertible token at a given index


  • _index: index

Return Values:

  • convertible token at the given index

Function isConvertibleToken(address _value) → bool

checks whether or not a given value is a convertible token


  • _value: value

Return Values:

  • true if the given value is a convertible token, false if not

Function getConvertibleTokenAnchorCount(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken) → uint256

returns the number of converter anchors associated with a given convertible token


  • _convertibleToken: convertible token

Return Values:

  • number of anchors associated with the given convertible token

Function getConvertibleTokenAnchors(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken) → address[]

returns the list of converter anchors associated with a given convertible token


  • _convertibleToken: convertible token

Return Values:

  • list of anchors associated with the given convertible token

Function getConvertibleTokenAnchor(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken, uint256 _index) → contract IConverterAnchor

returns the converter anchor associated with a given convertible token at a given index


  • _index: index

Return Values:

  • anchor associated with the given convertible token at the given index

Function isConvertibleTokenAnchor(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken, address _value) → bool

checks whether or not a given value is a converter anchor of a given convertible token


  • _convertibleToken: convertible token

  • _value: value

Return Values:

  • true if the given value is an anchor of the given convertible token, false if not

Function getConvertersByAnchors(address[] _anchors) → contract IConverter[]

returns a list of converters for a given list of anchors

this is a utility function that can be used to reduce the number of calls to the contract


  • _anchors: list of converter anchors

Return Values:

  • list of converters

Function isConverterValid(contract IConverter _converter) → bool

checks whether or not a given converter is valid


  • _converter: converter

Return Values:

  • true if the given converter is valid, false if not

Function isSimilarLiquidityPoolRegistered(contract IConverter _converter) → bool

checks if a liquidity pool with given configuration is already registered


  • _converter: converter with specific configuration

Return Values:

  • if a liquidity pool with the same configuration is already registered

Function getLiquidityPoolByConfig(uint16 _type, contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint32[] _reserveWeights) → contract IConverterAnchor

searches for a liquidity pool with specific configuration


  • _type: converter type, see ConverterBase contract main doc

  • _reserveTokens: reserve tokens

  • _reserveWeights: reserve weights

Return Values:

  • the liquidity pool, or zero if no such liquidity pool exists

Function getSmartTokenCount() → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getAnchorCount

Function getSmartTokens() → address[]

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getAnchors

Function getSmartToken(uint256 _index) → contract IConverterAnchor

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getAnchor

Function isSmartToken(address _value) → bool

deprecated, backward compatibility, use isAnchor

Function getConvertibleTokenSmartTokenCount(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getConvertibleTokenAnchorCount

Function getConvertibleTokenSmartTokens(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken) → address[]

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getConvertibleTokenAnchors

Function getConvertibleTokenSmartToken(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken, uint256 _index) → contract IConverterAnchor

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getConvertibleTokenAnchor

Function isConvertibleTokenSmartToken(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken, address _value) → bool

deprecated, backward compatibility, use isConvertibleTokenAnchor

Function getConvertersBySmartTokens(address[] _smartTokens) → contract IConverter[]

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getConvertersByAnchors

Function getLiquidityPoolByReserveConfig(contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint32[] _reserveWeights) → contract IConverterAnchor

deprecated, backward compatibility, use getLiquidityPoolByConfig

Event ConverterAnchorAdded(contract IConverterAnchor _anchor)

triggered when a converter anchor is added to the registry


  • _anchor: anchor token

Event ConverterAnchorRemoved(contract IConverterAnchor _anchor)

triggered when a converter anchor is removed from the registry


  • _anchor: anchor token

Event LiquidityPoolAdded(contract IConverterAnchor _liquidityPool)

triggered when a liquidity pool is added to the registry


  • _liquidityPool: liquidity pool

Event LiquidityPoolRemoved(contract IConverterAnchor _liquidityPool)

triggered when a liquidity pool is removed from the registry


  • _liquidityPool: liquidity pool

Event ConvertibleTokenAdded(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken, contract IConverterAnchor _smartToken)

triggered when a convertible token is added to the registry


  • _convertibleToken: convertible token

  • _smartToken: associated anchor token

Event ConvertibleTokenRemoved(contract IReserveToken _convertibleToken, contract IConverterAnchor _smartToken)

triggered when a convertible token is removed from the registry


  • _convertibleToken: convertible token

  • _smartToken: associated anchor token

Event SmartTokenAdded(contract IConverterAnchor _smartToken)

deprecated, backward compatibility, use ConverterAnchorAdded

Event SmartTokenRemoved(contract IConverterAnchor _smartToken)

deprecated, backward compatibility, use ConverterAnchorRemoved

Last updated