
Function init()

should be executed after construction (too large for the constructor)

Function purchaseTargetAmount(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

given a token supply, reserve balance, weight and a deposit amount (in the reserve token),

calculates the target amount for a given conversion (in the main token)


return = _supply * ((1 + _amount / _reserveBalance) ^ (_reserveWeight / 1000000) - 1)


  • _supply: liquid token supply

  • _reserveBalance: reserve balance

  • _reserveWeight: reserve weight, represented in ppm (1-1000000)

  • _amount: amount of reserve tokens to get the target amount for

Function saleTargetAmount(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

given a token supply, reserve balance, weight and a sell amount (in the main token),

calculates the target amount for a given conversion (in the reserve token)


return = _reserveBalance * (1 - (1 - _amount / _supply) ^ (1000000 / _reserveWeight))


  • _supply: liquid token supply

  • _reserveBalance: reserve balance

  • _reserveWeight: reserve weight, represented in ppm (1-1000000)

  • _amount: amount of liquid tokens to get the target amount for

Return Values:

  • reserve token amount

Function crossReserveTargetAmount(uint256 _sourceReserveBalance, uint32 _sourceReserveWeight, uint256 _targetReserveBalance, uint32 _targetReserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

given two reserve balances/weights and a sell amount (in the first reserve token),

calculates the target amount for a conversion from the source reserve token to the target reserve token


return = _targetReserveBalance * (1 - (_sourceReserveBalance / (_sourceReserveBalance + _amount)) ^ (_sourceReserveWeight / _targetReserveWeight))


  • _sourceReserveBalance: source reserve balance

  • _sourceReserveWeight: source reserve weight, represented in ppm (1-1000000)

  • _targetReserveBalance: target reserve balance

  • _targetReserveWeight: target reserve weight, represented in ppm (1-1000000)

  • _amount: source reserve amount

Return Values:

  • target reserve amount

Function fundCost(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveRatio, uint256 _amount) → uint256

given a pool token supply, reserve balance, reserve ratio and an amount of requested pool tokens,

calculates the amount of reserve tokens required for purchasing the given amount of pool tokens


return = _reserveBalance * (((_supply + _amount) / _supply) ^ (MAX_WEIGHT / _reserveRatio) - 1)


  • _supply: pool token supply

  • _reserveBalance: reserve balance

  • _reserveRatio: reserve ratio, represented in ppm (2-2000000)

  • _amount: requested amount of pool tokens

Return Values:

  • reserve token amount

Function fundSupplyAmount(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveRatio, uint256 _amount) → uint256

given a pool token supply, reserve balance, reserve ratio and an amount of reserve tokens to fund with,

calculates the amount of pool tokens received for purchasing with the given amount of reserve tokens


return = _supply * ((_amount / _reserveBalance + 1) ^ (_reserveRatio / MAX_WEIGHT) - 1)


  • _supply: pool token supply

  • _reserveBalance: reserve balance

  • _reserveRatio: reserve ratio, represented in ppm (2-2000000)

  • _amount: amount of reserve tokens to fund with

Return Values:

  • pool token amount

Function liquidateReserveAmount(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveRatio, uint256 _amount) → uint256

given a pool token supply, reserve balance, reserve ratio and an amount of pool tokens to liquidate,

calculates the amount of reserve tokens received for selling the given amount of pool tokens


return = _reserveBalance * (1 - ((_supply - _amount) / _supply) ^ (MAX_WEIGHT / _reserveRatio))


  • _supply: pool token supply

  • _reserveBalance: reserve balance

  • _reserveRatio: reserve ratio, represented in ppm (2-2000000)

  • _amount: amount of pool tokens to liquidate

Return Values:

  • reserve token amount

Function balancedWeights(uint256 _primaryReserveStakedBalance, uint256 _primaryReserveBalance, uint256 _secondaryReserveBalance, uint256 _reserveRateNumerator, uint256 _reserveRateDenominator) → uint32, uint32

The arbitrage incentive is to convert to the point where the on-chain price is equal to the off-chain price.

We want this operation to also impact the primary reserve balance becoming equal to the primary reserve staked balance.

In other words, we want the arbitrager to convert the difference between the reserve balance and the reserve staked balance.

Formula input:

  • let t denote the primary reserve token staked balance

  • let s denote the primary reserve token balance

  • let r denote the secondary reserve token balance

  • let q denote the numerator of the rate between the tokens

  • let p denote the denominator of the rate between the tokens

Where p primary tokens are equal to q secondary tokens

Formula output:

  • compute x = W(t / r q / p log(s / t)) / log(s / t)

  • return x / (1 + x) as the weight of the primary reserve token

  • return 1 / (1 + x) as the weight of the secondary reserve token

Where W is the Lambert W Function

If the rate-provider provides the rates for a common unit, for example:

  • P = 2 ==> 2 primary reserve tokens = 1 ether

  • Q = 3 ==> 3 secondary reserve tokens = 1 ether

Then you can simply use p = P and q = Q

If the rate-provider provides the rates for a single unit, for example:

  • P = 2 ==> 1 primary reserve token = 2 ethers

  • Q = 3 ==> 1 secondary reserve token = 3 ethers

Then you can simply use p = Q and q = P


  • _primaryReserveStakedBalance: the primary reserve token staked balance

  • _primaryReserveBalance: the primary reserve token balance

  • _secondaryReserveBalance: the secondary reserve token balance

  • _reserveRateNumerator: the numerator of the rate between the tokens

  • _reserveRateDenominator: the denominator of the rate between the tokens

Note that numerator / denominator should represent the amount of secondary tokens equal to one primary token

Return Values:

  • the weight of the primary reserve token and the weight of the secondary reserve token, both in ppm (0-1000000)

Function calculatePurchaseReturn(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function calculateSaleReturn(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function calculateCrossReserveReturn(uint256 _sourceReserveBalance, uint32 _sourceReserveWeight, uint256 _targetReserveBalance, uint32 _targetReserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function calculateCrossConnectorReturn(uint256 _sourceReserveBalance, uint32 _sourceReserveWeight, uint256 _targetReserveBalance, uint32 _targetReserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function calculateFundCost(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveRatio, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function calculateLiquidateReturn(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveRatio, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function purchaseRate(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function saleRate(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function crossReserveRate(uint256 _sourceReserveBalance, uint32 _sourceReserveWeight, uint256 _targetReserveBalance, uint32 _targetReserveWeight, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function liquidateRate(uint256 _supply, uint256 _reserveBalance, uint32 _reserveRatio, uint256 _amount) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Last updated