
This contract is a specialized version of the converter, which is

optimized for a liquidity pool that has 2 reserves with 50%/50% weights.



Function constructor(contract IConverterAnchor _anchor, contract IContractRegistry _registry, uint32 _maxConversionFee)

initializes a new StandardPoolConverter instance


  • _anchor: anchor governed by the converter

  • _registry: address of a contract registry contract

  • _maxConversionFee: maximum conversion fee, represented in ppm

Function converterType() → uint16

returns the converter type

Return Values:

  • see the converter types in the the main contract doc

Function receive()

deposits ether

can only be called if the converter has an ETH reserve

Function isV28OrHigher() → bool

checks whether or not the converter version is 28 or higher

Return Values:

  • since the converter version is 28 or higher

Function isActive() → bool

returns true if the converter is active, false otherwise

Return Values:

  • true if the converter is active, false otherwise

Function transferAnchorOwnership(address _newOwner)

transfers the anchor ownership

the new owner needs to accept the transfer

can only be called by the converter upgrader while the upgrader is the owner

note that prior to version 28, you should use 'transferAnchorOwnership' instead


  • _newOwner: new token owner

Function acceptAnchorOwnership()

accepts ownership of the anchor after an ownership transfer

most converters are also activated as soon as they accept the anchor ownership

can only be called by the contract owner

note that prior to version 28, you should use 'acceptTokenOwnership' instead

Function setConversionFee(uint32 _conversionFee)

updates the current conversion fee

can only be called by the contract owner


  • _conversionFee: new conversion fee, represented in ppm

Function transferReservesOnUpgrade(address _newConverter)

transfers reserve balances to a new converter during an upgrade

can only be called by the converter upgraded which should be set at its owner


  • _newConverter: address of the converter to receive the new amount

Function upgrade()

upgrades the converter to the latest version

can only be called by the owner

note that the owner needs to call acceptOwnership on the new converter after the upgrade

Function onUpgradeComplete()

executed by the upgrader at the end of the upgrade process to handle custom pool logic

Function reserveTokenCount() → uint16

returns the number of reserve tokens

note that prior to version 17, you should use 'connectorTokenCount' instead

Return Values:

  • number of reserve tokens

Function reserveTokens() → contract IReserveToken[]

returns the array of reserve tokens

Return Values:

  • array of reserve tokens

Function addReserve(contract IReserveToken _token, uint32 _weight)

defines a new reserve token for the converter

can only be called by the owner while the converter is inactive


  • _token: address of the reserve token

  • _weight: reserve weight, represented in ppm, 1-1000000

Function reserveWeight(contract IReserveToken _reserveToken) → uint32

returns the reserve's weight

added in version 28


  • _reserveToken: reserve token contract address

Return Values:

  • reserve weight

Function reserveBalance(contract IReserveToken _reserveToken) → uint256

returns the balance of a given reserve token


  • _reserveToken: reserve token contract address

Return Values:

  • the balance of the given reserve token

Function reserveBalances() → uint256, uint256

returns the balances of both reserve tokens

Return Values:

  • the balances of both reserve tokens

Function syncReserveBalances()

syncs all stored reserve balances

Function processNetworkFees()

calculates the accumulated network fee and transfers it to the network fee wallet

Function convert(contract IReserveToken _sourceToken, contract IReserveToken _targetToken, uint256 _amount, address _trader, address payable _beneficiary) → uint256

converts a specific amount of source tokens to target tokens

can only be called by the bancor network contract


  • _sourceToken: source reserve token

  • _targetToken: target reserve token

  • _amount: amount of tokens to convert (in units of the source token)

  • _trader: address of the caller who executed the conversion

  • _beneficiary: wallet to receive the conversion result

Return Values:

  • amount of tokens received (in units of the target token)

Function targetAmountAndFee(contract IReserveToken _sourceToken, contract IReserveToken _targetToken, uint256 _amount) → uint256, uint256

returns the expected amount and expected fee for converting one reserve to another


  • _sourceToken: address of the source reserve token contract

  • _targetToken: address of the target reserve token contract

  • _amount: amount of source reserve tokens converted

Return Values:

  • expected amount in units of the target reserve token

  • expected fee in units of the target reserve token

Function sourceAmountAndFee(contract IReserveToken _sourceToken, contract IReserveToken _targetToken, uint256 _amount) → uint256, uint256

returns the required amount and expected fee for converting one reserve to another


  • _sourceToken: address of the source reserve token contract

  • _targetToken: address of the target reserve token contract

  • _amount: amount of target reserve tokens desired

Return Values:

  • required amount in units of the source reserve token

  • expected fee in units of the target reserve token

Function recentAverageRate(contract IReserveToken _token) → uint256, uint256

returns the recent average rate of 1 _token in the other reserve token units


  • _token: token to get the rate for

Return Values:

  • recent average rate between the reserves (numerator)

  • recent average rate between the reserves (denominator)

Function addLiquidity(contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint256[] _reserveAmounts, uint256 _minReturn) → uint256

increases the pool's liquidity and mints new shares in the pool to the caller


  • _reserveTokens: address of each reserve token

  • _reserveAmounts: amount of each reserve token

  • _minReturn: token minimum return-amount

Return Values:

  • amount of pool tokens issued

Function removeLiquidity(uint256 _amount, contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint256[] _reserveMinReturnAmounts) → uint256[]

decreases the pool's liquidity and burns the caller's shares in the pool


  • _amount: token amount

  • _reserveTokens: address of each reserve token

  • _reserveMinReturnAmounts: minimum return-amount of each reserve token

Return Values:

  • the amount of each reserve token granted for the given amount of pool tokens

Function addLiquidityCost(contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint256 _reserveTokenIndex, uint256 _reserveAmount) → uint256[]

given the amount of one of the reserve tokens to add liquidity of,

returns the required amount of each one of the other reserve tokens

since an empty pool can be funded with any list of non-zero input amounts,

this function assumes that the pool is not empty (has already been funded)


  • _reserveTokens: address of each reserve token

  • _reserveTokenIndex: index of the relevant reserve token

  • _reserveAmount: amount of the relevant reserve token

Return Values:

  • the required amount of each one of the reserve tokens

Function addLiquidityReturn(contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens, uint256[] _reserveAmounts) → uint256

returns the amount of pool tokens entitled for given amounts of reserve tokens

since an empty pool can be funded with any list of non-zero input amounts,

this function assumes that the pool is not empty (has already been funded)


  • _reserveTokens: address of each reserve token

  • _reserveAmounts: amount of each reserve token

Return Values:

  • the amount of pool tokens entitled for the given amounts of reserve tokens

Function removeLiquidityReturn(uint256 _amount, contract IReserveToken[] _reserveTokens) → uint256[]

returns the amount of each reserve token entitled for a given amount of pool tokens


  • _amount: amount of pool tokens

  • _reserveTokens: address of each reserve token

Return Values:

  • the amount of each reserve token entitled for the given amount of pool tokens

Function token() → contract IConverterAnchor

deprecated since version 28, backward compatibility - use only for earlier versions

Function transferTokenOwnership(address _newOwner)

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function acceptTokenOwnership()

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function connectors(contract IReserveToken _address) → uint256, uint32, bool, bool, bool

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function connectorTokens(uint256 _index) → contract IReserveToken

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function connectorTokenCount() → uint16

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function getConnectorBalance(contract IReserveToken _connectorToken) → uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Function getReturn(contract IReserveToken _sourceToken, contract IReserveToken _targetToken, uint256 _amount) → uint256, uint256

deprecated, backward compatibility

Event LiquidityAdded(address _provider, contract IReserveToken _reserveToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _newBalance, uint256 _newSupply)

triggered after liquidity is added


  • _provider: liquidity provider

  • _reserveToken: reserve token address

  • _amount: reserve token amount

  • _newBalance: reserve token new balance

  • _newSupply: pool token new supply

Event LiquidityRemoved(address _provider, contract IReserveToken _reserveToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _newBalance, uint256 _newSupply)

triggered after liquidity is removed


  • _provider: liquidity provider

  • _reserveToken: reserve token address

  • _amount: reserve token amount

  • _newBalance: reserve token new balance

  • _newSupply: pool token new supply

Last updated